Verla’s Story

Verla, an everyday kind of gal from Elkridge, Utah, knows the meaning of persistence. For 30 years, she struggled with back pain, a result of numerous surgeries, the toil of her strenuous career, and the simple act of caring for a bustling family. 

A dedicated hairdresser, Verla ran her own shop for several years. It was more than just a profession for her; it was a passion. However, life took a different turn when she decided to join Albertsons, serving there diligently for 23 years. While her job required immense physical effort, her back pain persisted, reminding her daily of the surgeries and interventions she'd undergone over the last 30 years.

Despite her physical challenges, Verla was resilient. She might have been limited in standing long, walking far, or lifting things, but her spirit was unyielding. She wasn't one to let life's adversities deter her. Taking care of her family and working diligently were her main hobbies, the core of her world.

A referral led her to Dr. Brian Anderson, and with his expertise, Dr. Anderson recommended the removal of the existing hardware and the introduction of a spinal cord stimulator. Trusting in the potential for a better quality of life, Verla decided to proceed.

Today, post-procedure, Verla feels like she's gradually getting her life back. Verla stands at the helm of a vast family. For her, true joy comes from caring for her seven children and seeing her family blossom to include 45 grandkids and 50 great-grandchildren. Every Sunday, her home resonates with laughter, chatter, and the merriment of games as they all gather for dinner and weekly reconnection.

Retirement now holds a new meaning for Verla. Free from the shackles of pain, she looks forward to walking with her grandkids, playing outside, and cherishing every moment. With a lifetime's worth of perseverance, she's teaching them the value of resilience, proving that it's never too late to turn life around.

Verla's journey is a powerful reminder that with the right support, resilience, and a pinch of hope, we can reclaim the joys of life that pain might have taken away. She continues to inspire her family and all who hear her story, proving that it's never too late to pursue a better tomorrow.


