You’re a person, not a procedure.

Red tape shouldn’t get in the way of healing. Our staff helps with tedious healthcare forms, navigating insurance requirements and getting you in as soon as possible.

At Summit, we make 5 promises to every patient:

1. We'll treat you the way we would treat a family member.

2. We'll never recommend surgery if you don't need it. Instead, we'll connect you with the right doctor.

3. If you need surgery, you can count on receiving the most minimally invasive, most efficient surgery possible. And you'll recover faster because of it.

4. We openly collaborate with physical therapists, pain management doctors, chiropractors, primary care providers, and anyone who can help us help you.  

5. Finally, we promise not to merely mask your symptoms with medications, injections or one-size-fits-all procedures.

Our goal is to find the root cause of your problem so we can help you get better...and get your life back.